This is not family history but it is my other strong interest. Artsetter is a Paris based online art gallery. I have now been accepted as one of their artists. I had to go through a voting process and I appreciate those of you who voted for me. Now I put up an initial gallery of 24 paintings. I will add more and perhaps some drawings and photos.
I encourage you to visit the Artsetter site and comment on my work as feedback is really appreciated. When you get to the site you can find my gallery under the gallery tab. For now it is listed in new galleries but that may evolve.
Here is what I wrote in my profile. I paint with acrylics and also do simple line drawings. My focus is directly painting what I see. The goal is not photo realism but an integration of painting and seeing. I primarily do still life or painting from a model at the moment. I have experimented with landscapes from direct observation. I recently did a series on breakfast. These were done from photos. I do not go beyond what I see as I have always imagined paintings as I look at the world. Now I am having fun creating some of these images. I live and work in the Boston area (US) but also paint from my travels. I grew up in New Orleans and it remains a favorite place. I would like to paint there.
Here is a sampling of the initial works in the gallery. You can click on the images to enlarge them.
Your work is amazing! I am a member of an art community too, and I stumbled across your blog and artwork, and I must say, your work is brilliant!
Posted by: Account Deleted | March 27, 2010 at 12:35 PM
Hi Dave,To add pesorn A as a child of pesorn B, click in the children list box, pull down the family menu and you will see menu items for adding the child. Use the one for adding by RIN or press command-R. The trick is to make sure you've clicked in the children list box, so that PAWriter knows you want to do something with the children.Assuming you know about the shift key and rolling over something in a window to view popup help, the reference guide folder should be downloaded from my website and placed in the same directory as the PAWriter application so that PAWriter can find it. Then choose PAWriter Reference from the Apple menu in OS 9 or the PAW2X menu in OS X, or press command-' (apostrophe, single quote). Click away to see the various writeups. I licensed UniHelp to provide this capability because it is simple and efficient.The best I can do about the pedigree chart is to point out that you can press the option key while rolling over the pedigree boxes to popup the complete name and vital info about that pesorn. It works like the shift key for rollover help.At present, in the main window, the arrow keys move alphabetically between people , which can be very useful checking people with the same names, etc. The arrow keys are just keyboard shortcuts for clicking the buttons labeled Prev Person, Next Person, First Person, Last Person. Like Tab and shift-Tab move to the next and previous tagged pesorn. But I should rethink the use of the arrow keys as you suggest. (I think the best I might do with the down arrow is go to the first child due to a programming problem.) But no promises as to if and when the arrow keys might change.Please note the new version 47 posted today. It adds File menu > Write HTML > Web Site for Tagged People to PAWriter. But watch out for doing it with too many tagged people. It can generate thousands of files with many, many megabytes.I think you make excellent observations.Best,Howard
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