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May 29, 2007



What a great site. Needed and overdue. I like the prutcie of the grandparents, and I know that they would like this prutcie. I personally use the software RootsMagic. I love it. It has a great web search built in and searches on the active person on your screen. Of course, I am still learning. I have only been researching actively for 17 years, so you have a head start on me. Keep up the good work. Love the site and your insight!

Priscilla Ann Elder Kelley

I wonder whether you might help me locate a family member, an aunt, who might still be living in North Carolina. Her name is Jean Elder McGeHee Sharp, born in 1927, in Campbell County, Virginia. She was married to Starkey Sharpe, Junior, son of Starkey Sharp, Sr., and Eutha Liverman. They lived on Main St. in Harrelsville, NC, when Starky died in 1969. I have searched but cannot find Jean, who would be 85 now. I have hopes that she is alive and that I can find her. Ironically, she is indirectly descended from Henry Clay. His great grandfather was a direct ancestor of ours. Thank you so much!

Priscilla Ann Elder Kelley

Sorry -- i.e., the statesman Henry Clay.


Hi, I'm Kerry, my dad was David John O'Gara, brhteor of Bernard Francis son of Francis and Minnie. They lived in Oldham gtr. Manchester. My brhteor Michael and I both have young boys that are carrying on the name. would be interested to find any relatives living nearby. My brhteor and i both live in north wales.

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