We at the AppGap blog are excited to announce the launch of a new section of reviews - The AppGap: Appopedia. The new section brings together the growing number of enterprise 2.0 reviews (nearly 150 to date) that my AppGap colleagues and I have written. It has been fun interviewing vendor spokespeople, seeing demonstrations, and learning about all the innovation within the enterprise 2.0 space. Now you can better access the entire collection.
While other directories of 2.0 apps exist, we believe Appopedia serves a particular purpose, focusing specifically on work-related tools that help you manage and grow your business rather than every Web 2.0 app available. Hylton Jolliffe and others at Corante have been developing the new section over the past month or twp. We all hope you’ll check it out and provide input on what admittedly is a work in progress (there are already got a few tweaks on the way).
As you’ll see we’ve organized the reviews by various criteria, e.g., product category, we hope you’ll find useful. If you’ve used any of the tools please feel free to weigh in with any feedback in the comments of the respective reviews.
For vendors: if you’re a company with a tool that’s already been reviewed, we encourage you to visit the review and provide any information on updates in the comments or contact us if you think your tool could be better classified by product category or function.
Again, we hope you find Appopedia a valuable resource. It builds on The AppGap’s mission - to help individuals, large organizations and small businesses better understand how work and our tools for working are changing - and aims to provide a practical destination for those looking to assess which apps can help them better manage and grow their businesses.