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May 26, 2014


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Luis Suarez

Woohoo! Congratulations on the bloggiversary, Bill, my dear friend! That's quite an achievement altogether! A few months ago I went through my 11th year anniversary (for my then corporate, internal blog) and next year it will be the big thing as well when my Internet blog reaches as well the 10th anniversary. And what a journey it has been, indeed! I take pride that it was folks like you, Jack Vinson, Denham Grey, Jim McGee and a few other KM bloggers the ones who prompted me to jump the shark and start blogging externally. So much of my merit in my blogging journey is due to you and every one else who were talking about KM related topics over the course of time through blogs way way before social networking tools became popular. Thanks much for that inspiration and glad you are having a blast in New Orleans. Hoping to come and visit some time soon, as you well know!

Here's to the next 10 years of healthy, prolific and wonderful blogging, my friend! Well done! Congratulations!

Bill Ives

Luis - Thanks for your very kind words. The people you mention were also models for me, as you were and remain so. We hope to see you in New Orleans. I am now on a Greek island but will be returning soon. Next year we hope to swap houses with someone in London or Barcelona for several months and spend more time in Europe. Perhaps we will see you there also. Bill

Luis Suarez

Hi Bill, yeah, they still remain my role models and good friends as well, moving beyond the blogoshere and into social networks and various different F2F gatherings, like yourself. I am glad you are enjoying the retreat in Greece again and I'd surely look forward to meeting up really soon whether in New Orleans, London or Barcelona (Where I will be spending a few days coming up soon already!). Either way, I am sure we will have the opportunity! :-D

Enjoy the time in Greece and look forward to checking out the stunning pictures!

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