Teleos, in association with The KNOW Network, has announced the 2012 Global MAKE Winners. Inaugurated by Teleos in 1998, the Most Admired Knowledge Enterprises (MAKE) research program seeks to identify those organizations (for-profit, non-profit and public sector) which are using knowledge-driven strategies to out-perform their peers by above average growth in intellectual capital and wealth creation (in the case of the public sector, increased societal capital).
An even more select group of organizations form the 2012 Global MAKE Hall of Fame. These 24 organizations have been Global MAKE Finalists in each of the past five annual studies: Accenture, Apple, APQC, ConocoPhillips, Deloitte, Ernst & Young, Fluor, Google, IBM, Infosys Limited, Mars, McKinsey & Company, Microsoft, MindTree, Petrobras, POSCO, PwC, Royal Dutch Shell, Samsung, Schlumberger, Siemens, Tata Group, Toyota and Wipro Technologies.
A panel of Global Fortune 500 senior executives and internationally recognized knowledge management / intellectual capital experts selected the Winners. The panel rated organizations against the MAKE framework of eight key knowledge performance dimensions - visible drivers of competitive advantage and intellectual capital growth:
- Creating an enterprise knowledge-driven culture
- Developing knowledge workers through senior management leadership
- Innovation
- Maximizing enterprise intellectual capital
- Creating an enterprise collaborative knowledge sharing environment
- Creating a learning organization
- Delivering value based on customer/stakeholder knowledge
- Transforming enterprise knowledge into shareholder/stakeholder value
Successfully managing enterprise knowledge can provide quantified returns. The 2012 Global MAKE Winners trading on the NYSE/NASDAQ showed a Total Return to Shareholders (TRS) for the ten-year period 2002-2011 of 19.7% - nearly three times the average Fortune 500 company median.
The Return on Revenues (ROR) for the 2012 Global MAKE Winners was also 3.2 times that of the Fortune 500 ROR median at 12%. In addition the Return on Assets (ROA) for the 2012 Global MAKE Winners was 9.9% - nearly four times that of the Fortune 500 ROA median.
It still pays to make effective use of the knowledge within an organization. In fact, as the percentage of value within an organization tied to intangible assets continues to grow, the value of making effective use of knowledge will grow in an aligned manner.
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