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November 03, 2012


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Paul A. Tamburello, Jr.

Great travelogue, Bill.
Sounds like you had good luck all the way down the long road to Louisiana. Love the lines about sprinkling Obama dust along your route in Ohio, you and your truck becoming "friends" and having Clifton Chenier guide you out of Cambridge and welcome you to New Orleans, your home town. Welcome home!

bill  Ives

Paul - Thanks - Look forward to seeing you down here.

Rob Paterson

What a journey! Thanks for the post and a shout out to Thierry

bill  Ives

Rob - Thanks - Hope to see you down here and in Quebec next summer.


So glad you made it safely through the storm, Bill. Enjoy your new (old) hometown.

- Mary

bill  Ives


Thanks. Great to see you at KM World.

Cheryl Lesser

Really enjoyed your story, Bill. Thank you for sharing. Wishing you peace and joy in New Orleans.

Jenny Ambrozek

A stirring and profound journey Bill. Thank you for sharing. May the joyful promise of your first evening "at home" in New Orleans continue to be fulfilled.

Bill Ives

Cheryl and Jenny - Thanks for your well wishes. Hope you both had a great Thanksgiving.

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