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August 10, 2012


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John Maloney

Wait a second, I thought competition was good for business?

Recall, the mission of any biz is not to standardize on apps or lower cost. That may be the IT mission, but it is not the business mission.

IT makes bonehead 'strategic' decisions all the time. Look, IT serves the business not the other way around. Why should business leaders be hostage to IT offerings that aren't working for them and cost too much?

The internal IT units need to compete in the IT marketplace just like everyone else. The hegemonic rule of the imperial IT dept is waning.

Isn't democratization of IT a good thing? BYOA is positive development and should be embraced and encouraged by the IT dept. Sure, it may present some challenges for security, standards, performance, etc., but these are precisely the things IT is good at.

Business application leadership MUST originate from the business as you implied. No more bogus lip service from IT. No more dopey discussions about IT 'alignment' or 'leverage.' It's phony and old hat, from another era, when IT was scarce, expensive, difficult...

BTW, BYOA is a modest development. Businesses are really pursuing BYOC -- Bring Your Own Cloud. This is an exciting development that may further refine and focus the ever-diminishing role of the traditional IT department.

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