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« SXSW Notes: No Brochures: Digital Storytelling for Nonprofits | Main | SXSW Notes: Coding the Next Chapter of American History »

March 15, 2012


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Paul A. Tamburello, Jr.

Great topic, very timely. I'm all for positive messaging, respond to it with checkbook and keyboard. Outrage is effective the first time around and there are plenty of times it gets my attention and a donation, i guess it depends on the cause and my own predisposition on the cause. In most cases, it's hard to sustain a campaign indefinitely with the same negative outlooks. (Dont most polls indicate that citizens are tired of the negative tone of this election cycle?)

I did substantial fund raising for a non profit, The ALS Association of Massachusetts for ten years. ALS is a deadly neuromuscular disease with no cure. My annual appeal letters targeted pro active programs that provided various forms of assistance, everything from laptop computers that could "speak" for patients who could no longer use their voices to respite programs for family members. The message underlined the exemplary courage of patients and their fierce will to survive with dignity despite the fact that the outcome is universally fatal.
The Positive Spin for ALS, an annual bike ride, finds ways to accent the positive and provide invaluable services while acknowledging the realities of ALS, also known as "Lou Gehrig's Disease".

bill  Ives


Thanks for all your great comments. Bill

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