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« SXSW Notes: Positively Inspired Change Campaigns | Main | Happy St. Patrick's Day »

March 16, 2012


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Paul A. Tamburello, Jr.

To me, the biggest take away from Code For America initiatives is that they tap into and support a different attitude toward government, cooperative rather than oppositional. It addresses the expectations people have of "government". Anyone with a positive bone in their body can perform at least one of the seven ways to help, be civic minded, that she specifies above. We citizens have rights, true, but we have responsibilities, too.
If the SXSW Interactive core mission is, as you wrote at the top, to challenge the tech community to change the world for the better, Jennifer Pahika's Code for America puts in squarely into the arena of the 'do-able'. Between Twitter and hundreds of mobile device apps this could really catch fire, the good kind of fire that smelts problems into solutions.

bill  Ives

Paul - Thanks for your input and I certainly agree with you. Bill

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