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« Lotusphere 2012 Notes: Music Industry Social Evolution | Main | Photos of Lafayette Opelousas Louisiana Area »

January 21, 2012


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Don L

That is some great, dark gumbo and the photos make the food look good enough to eat right off the screen. Only problem is that I am not there right now.

bill  Ives

Don = Thanks - we will have to go there some day. :)

Paul Tamburello

Great road trip scrapbook for the hungry traveler. You sure ate well and put lots of good Louisiana miles on your car.
There's so much to see, do, listen to, goodness, you didnt miss much.

bill  Ives


Thanks for your comment. Your ideas were an inspiration for much of this. Bill


Hi Bill,
Thanks from 2Paul's for sharing your experience with your blog readers. We're happy you enjoyed your meal..and the bonus tv time... we were happy to accomodate you. I remember you exactly.

Come and see us again soon,
Marilynn PAULE Fournet-Adams
(one of the 2Paul's)

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