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December 17, 2011


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John T Maloney (@jheuristic)

Hi - Gumbo is great. Few dishes are a cultural icon like Gumbo.

A personal favorite from the region is 'New Orleans Old Sober Soup' aka Yaka Mein. Hard to find, but worth it. Would never try to prepare it moi-même. It is only street food and sometimes at festivals. Best consumed standing. Seek it out.

Old Sober is highly instrumental in correcting the symptoms of being over-served at many of the French Quarter's fine purveyors of fermented refreshments. -j

bill  Ives


Thanks. Will look for it. Also having crawfish bisque in Lafayette - much thicker roux than most gumbos.

Catherine Caldwell

Talk About Good is the BEST cookbook! A classic. I use the multiple duck recipes.

bill  Ives

Catherine - Thanks. I just ordered you book and look forward to reading it. I will do a review on this blog. everyone else should check out -

Stock Pots

Living in the New Orleans area for so, so, so many years and now living in Breaux Bridge....gumbo carries on with the starting of a roux depending on the meat of choice for the low, middle, or high brow...then carrying on with the gumbo...whether it be with chicken, seafood, or any wild game such as duck or wild's all so very delicious served with a scoop of rice...and, ahhh!...topping each bowl with a sprinkle of sassafras leaves...file' gumbo!!! And, don't forget the French Bread...also, a texture depending on whether it is in the New Orleans or Lafayette area.

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