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September 08, 2011


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I dig these concepts Bill, but we need to be cautious about putting this type of work on a pedestal.

What happens when a person no longer maintains close relationships with the core group of people he works with? What happens when he's no longer part of any long term teams? What happens when he works remotely most of the time?

Answer: Loss of strong, deep personal connections.

We face the paradox today of becoming less meaningfully connected with each other through the results of the new hyperconnectedness enabled by the web.

While tools like oDesk ( allow thousands of workers from around the world to work for many different companies on many different short term gigs, they also commoditize human labor even further than many modern large companies.

If the connectedness created by the modern web has democratized the airwaves, marketing and even the way some companies work, it also threaten to make knowledge work into small pieces of material that can be interchanged like pieces of a machine.

Howard Haller Phd

Thanks for the great information on Intrapreneurship.

“Intrapreneurship is the Secret Weapon for Success” –
quote from Dr. Haller’s “Intrapreneurship Success” book

Howard Edward Haller, Ph.D.,CEO- Intrapreneurship Institute

Please visit for Fr*ee information
on “real world” Intrapreneurship Case Studies.

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