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July 08, 2011


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Kimberlee Morrison

This is exactly why Google is an advertising engine rather than a search engine. Anyone who has the money or savvy can game the system and get to the top of the search rankings. Sometimes the information is relevant, but a lot of times it isn't. Reminds me of that old saying: Caveat emptor. It applies to search engines just as much as it does to consumer goods.

ZuSmart Drc

So, we must be number one in SERP of keyword that we shoot. Then, we will get many visitors.

bill  Ives

Kimberlee Your comments are spot on. This is also why I have to constantly delete spam from blog comments. Thanks. Bill

Joseph Arduini

I can understand your point of view, but I think that the current structure of how we recieve our information is different and businesses must adhere to that. SEO is just a piece of the marketing pie. If you opened the yellow pages when they were still relevant, some businesses paid more to have their ad in bold or even a full page - SEO isn't much different in my opinion. I also disagree that SEO is only for businesses with enough wealth to afford an ad agency, anyone can teach simple SEO practices and put them into practice.

bill  Ives

Joseph - You make excellent points. Your Yellow Page analogy is relevant. I certainly practice SEO myself without spending any money on it. I have even helped some of my consulting clients with it so it has been a source of revenue for me. However, it adds no real value to business. It is just a necessary means to an end that is artificially created by the nature of current search engines.

Core Drills

It is an excellent post..Thanks for sharing the information with us..It was worth reading..I have practiced SEO by myself and am managing many projects..

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