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April 13, 2011


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Tanks Bill for this very provocative. I think it points to a number of issues as we move into the future in terms of the need for a new kind of literacy and awareness of how to design and optimize our interactions in social reality and networked space. At this point, as individuals, we're constrained to a brute force mode of rolling through all the different streams we encounter, each imposing its own cognitive requirements, refresh models, and with varying layers of active or passive involvement. In the near future we're going to need to break these streams up into constituents, then re-form them, applying the appropriate semantic glue in order to maintain their coherence. This is the big challenge for adoption, as I see it, of a really semantically-aware information universe.

bill  Ives

Joe Thanks for your comment. We are moving toward a more networked cognition. I know that I am more likely to use the cloud to store the details about any event or interview, etc. I know where to go and find the details but if someone asks me about details when I do not have access to the cloud I have to defer. In a parallel note, I know from my early days as a cognitive psychologist that language helps structure our thought.

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