The recording of our webinar, The Human Side of Content Monitoring, is now available. You see the presentation and hear the narration by Thierry and myself, as well as our answers to questions from the audience. Here is the description of the session.
The transparency within social media offers a rich source to monitor the conversations within communities. At the same time it can contribute to the growing problem of information overload. One approach to these two issues is to use semantic technology. While semantic methods allow for machines to understand information, there is no machine as complex as the human brain and its cognitive power to correlate what is meaningful from what is not. In this session we will cover a complementary approach (awareness engine) that does not rely on semantic technology, but rather uses data visualizations to allow an individual to easily understand the essential themes emerging from a massive number of events and conversations.
Awareness engines operate on the premise that people, rather than computers, know best about where to look next. In this session you will see how real-time awareness plays a key role in making sense of timely and unstructured information, and revealing an organic and intimate semantic pathway within a filtered body of information.
If you are running any social networking site then you must need to concentrate on content monitoring. The management distribution of content will play effective role in growth or search volume of your website specially in website content monitoring. Prefer human content monitoring rather than tool content monitoring.
Posted by: Jack thomas | June 12, 2012 at 11:48 AM