The winners of the 13th annual Global Most Admired Knowledge Enterprises (MAKE) study have been announced by Telos. This brings back memories. The Most Admired Knowledge Enterprises (MAKE) award has been around for some time. Back when I was with a large consulting company and involved in our knowledge management practice, I spoke at the awards meetings in London several times. These were the days of better travel funding and the relatively early days of KM. I am pleased that this award is still around and still relevant.
For the first time, Google has been named the overall Global MAKE Winner. Knowledge-driven organizations significantly out-perform their competitors. For the ten-year period 2000-2009, the Total Return to Shareholders for the publicly-traded 2010 Global MAKE Winners was 11% - nearly 3 times that of the Fortune 500 company median.
The Winners of the 2010 Global MAKE study, conducted by Teleos in association with The KNOW Network, are (in alphabetical order):
- Accenture
- Apple
- Ernst & Young
- Fluor
- General Electric
- HP
- Infosys Technologies
- McKinsey & Company
- Microsoft
- MindTree
- PwC
- Royal Dutch Shell
- Samsung
- Schlumberger
- Siemens
- Tata Group
- Telefonica
- Wipro Technologies
A panel of Global Fortune 500 senior executives and knowledge management/intellectual capital experts selected the 2010 Global MAKE Winners. The panel rated organizations against the MAKE framework of eight key knowledge performance dimensions which are the visible drivers of competitive advantage. The 2010 Global MAKE Winners have been recognized as leaders in:
- creating a corporate knowledge-driven culture
- developing knowledge workers through senior management leadership
- innovation
- maximizing enterprise intellectual capital
- creating an environment for collaborative knowledge sharing
- organizational learning
- delivering value based on customer/stakeholder knowledge
- transforming enterprise knowledge into shareholder/stakeholder value
An even more select group of organizations form the 2010 Global hall of Fame. These 26 organizations have been Global MAKE Finalists in each of the past five annual studies: Accenture, Apple, ConocoPhillips, Deloitte, Ernst & Young, Fluor, General Electric, Google, Honda, HP, IBM, Infosys Technologies, McKinsey & Company, Microsoft, Nokia, Oracle, Petrobras, POSCO, PwC, Royal Dutch Shell, Samsung, Schlumberger, Siemens, Tata Group, Toyota and Wipro Technologies. Congratulations to each of them.
FYI: The link to the MAKE aware winners goes to a "no data found" page. I wonder if it's a "members only" link for now?
Posted by: Jack Vinson | January 12, 2011 at 10:11 PM
Jack - good point. The link to the 2009 winners works. I got an email on 2010 with a link that worked but I no longer have that email. I had the same result as you and looked around the site to find the 2010 winners but could not. Maybe I got a preview and the 2010 winners are not yet out on the site or only up for members.
Posted by: bill Ives | January 13, 2011 at 09:26 AM