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September 28, 2010


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bill  Ives

comment from Rick Ladd: My friend Ann Majchrzak of USC's Marshall School co-authored a paper entitled "Coordinating expertise among emergent groups responding to disasters". In it they state ". . . [W]ithin hours of Hurricane Katrina's landfall in Louisiana and Mississippi, a KatrinaHelp Wiki emerged. With the independent efforts of hundreds of people across many continents, the Wiki provided lists of shelters, government resources, animal rescue resources, the latest health and safety information, and a people-finder service that helped to coordinate rescue, recovery, and relief efforts."

Ann also presented some of this info at the In2:InThinking Forum (held under the auspices of Rocketdyne for the last nearly 10 years) in 2007, I believe. As I recall, the wiki was started by someone in the Netherlands and it was one of the most used sites for coordinating efforts and finding people.

I can't find any historical info on the site itself but, if Ann was correct, I think they deserve mention as well. I suspect, as Social Media becomes more pervasive, more sophisticated, and develops through the use and feedback of literally millions of us, it will play a larger role in any human endeavor that requires more than one person to accomplish . . . and, even then?

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