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April 27, 2010


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Terri Griffith

How about a combined approach? Raise awareness of how social media is used in organizations -- then work with an organization to support their social media efforts. Three of four of my MBA teams (course on Innovation & Tech Management) are hands on with organizations. Last term (course on Organizational Design) I think half the teams focused on a social media implementation or support within a real org. Agree that it's not living with the result for years. That said, most of our students have full-time jobs and so do get to practice what we preach.

bill  Ives


Thanks for your comment. having been an academic myself I certainly realize there is value here and your suggestions make sense, I have also taught in situations where the students were part time and full time employees in business and this takes on a different context. Here there is the hybrid approach. I just hope that the approach is not one of best practices as I wrote about a few days ago. Bill


Hi Bill, I'm one of the professors mentioned in the NYT article you wrote about in this post. I teach a course on social media strategy at INSEAD, on both of our campuses (France and Singapore). I completely agree with you that real world experience is critical -- which is why in my course arguably the most important component is working with real companies on their social media marketing strategies. This involves going from initial strategy planning through implementation, measurement, and so on. I make sure my MBA students get hands on experience because that's what they need to be useful in companies after their time at business school. This is hard in a relatively short 8 week term of a course, but what I find is that after my course is over students then want to work on "independent projects" where they can go even deeper to gain more hands on social media experience with real companies. None of this beats two full years of day to day experience in the "real world" of course, but we try to do our best. At the end of the day, a top MBA program should provide students with frameworks, conceptual/thinking skills, and hands on practical skills. That's what we deliver and it seems to work extremely well for our students.

Best regards,
Professor Andrew Stephen

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