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April 07, 2010


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No, Facebook doesn't cause these things, but many who are already plagued by them flock to it and the problems are exhaserbated (spelling?) Facebook allows people who are depressed to hide and withdraw further.

It doesn't cause jealousy. The problem of mistrust, not feeling like your getting enough attention is already there. Again it must magnifies it.

A better question, Can Social Media offer solutions instead of magnification? I did notice that Facebook tries to get you to connect with friends that you haven't "shared" with in a while.

For "healthy" people social media is fun. I enjoyed sending gifts to my friends from my silly games. I finally decided that the games took too much time and I would rather spend that time interacting through the posts. Of course some real interaction would be best.

I think it magnifies good things more, but good rarely sells in the media. Media likes to focus on the negative.

Will Google make us stupid, no. Again, it just magnifies a growing problem where people don't think through things on their own and want to be spoon fed.

Anyway, sorry for being so long.

bill  Ives

Chris - Thanks for your excellent comment - the longer the better. Bill

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