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« Trends in Social Media Sales and Marketing from Webtrends Engage | Main | Men in Dresses Celebrate the New Orleans Saints Going to the Super Bowl »

February 05, 2010


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Why does this "3 Reasons why Twitter is better than Facebook" Article get so much attention. I mean that site is called "socailmediatoday" and this article is far away from understanding the differences between those two social media tools.
One comment describes the differences very pracmatic: "I find Twitter much like hanging in a big city - lots of ways to get to great places, meet great people and get great information. Facebook is much more like a small-town hang-out, more intimate conversations and sharing, slower pace."
I know lot's of people that start twittering but moved over to facebook because they cen much more attention there. I i understand that.
I use both. Facebook more for private/friend things and twitter for business related topics or general information sharing.


Great list! Thanks, Bill. I would also put your tweet about Booz Allen and the six learnings...

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