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« Is Online Video Moving to Look More Like Television? Or the Reverse? | Main | Quebec City Restaurants: 2010 Update »

January 01, 2010


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My wife and I have been thinking a lot on computer/TV lately. The technology and interest are there, the broadband networks should be accessible, so why the wait?

People's lives are so busy, and if we can integrate activities, rather than keeping everything separate, I think we will have more free time. If I think of a tweet while watching a TV show, I could simply open up a window on my TV and tweet away. Right now, I have to use twice the amount of energy by having a TV on, and a Mac on my lap.

Integration is good!

bill  Ives

Thanks for your comment. I agree, I have a TV on my office desk but I work at home so it is easier. Integration would bring a lot of benefits. Bill

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