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November 30, 2009


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Mike McGurkin

What I find interesting is the actual evolution (devloution?) of traditional news media to something more like blogging. The stalwart tenants of traiditional media; objective point of view, dilligent fact checking, and opinion free fact based reporting have clearly given way. Turning on any morning news programs yields more opinion than fact, often with supporting expert testimony substantiating the slant of the reporting station. Whether traditional news media fear the rise of blogging popularity, it is clear they are taking a few elements to heart.

bill  Ives

Mike - Thanks for your comment. It does seem that traditional news is more opinionated but I wonder if it always has and we are just more aware of it with increased transparency. I am sure that budget cuts have contributed to what you say also. I learned recently that when the telegraph came out making instant news possible, the news papers did not fight it but banded together to from the Associated Press to take advantage of it. Bill

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