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October 29, 2009


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What I think is even more ironic is the fallacy of 'control' that is being imposed in companies. And consider how much money they're paying to shore up such control as people sit on their mobile phones invoking their own exercise of control : )

Deni Kasrel

Good post on a real issue that warrants attention. Some people put the words "social media addict" in their Twitter profiles. This is likely to infer great enthusiasm for the platform, as opposed to a malady.

Certain of my friends post pretty much anything on Facebook; it is baffling really. The most mundane comments, such as "having a bad hair day" or "just stubbed my toe,ouch!" seem to get the most replies/commments from FB friends -- are these respondents then enablers?

I recently did a post on this very topic on my blog -- it was about whether or not companies can truly ban personal use of social media while on the job -- like you, I note smartphones make it impossible and that the solution is realistic reasonable policies on the part of the employer.

But yes, Twitter, can be highly addictive, especially due to the real-time element, and RT factor, which instill a high level of instant gratification.

bill  Ives

Deni - Thanks for your great comment. I go to twitter when I what to take a break. I used to do other online things. It is addictive but I keep it to break time. Bill

bill  Ives

Paula - Control is an illusion today. better to ride the wave than get consumed by it. Bill

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