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August 11, 2009


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Gavin Heaton

I have started using Feedly as a feed aggregator. It provides a really nice way to manage the context between blogs. Oh, and I need coffee too.

bill  Ives


Thanks I will check it out. I need some aggregator of blog comments as I am getting comments on this blog and the Facebook replay and several other syndication sites. Bill


as a 30 year old software developer, I still don't touch a computer until I have my cup of coffee and breakfast. I work on a computer 8+ hours a need to rush.


I start my day at the bathroom with my iPhone checking emails - to verify that my applications haven't died during the night (have logs sent to my email and other notifications). After that I take out my dog and only then I make coffee and take it to the computer (I also work mostly from home). On the computer I follow up on important emails and check Twitter first.

I sometimes eat breakfast and drink coffee at the mornings with my spouse but usually she makes coffee and takes it on the go.

I guess that our morning schedule is quite similar.


I start my day at the bathroom with my iPhone checking emails - to verify that my applications haven't died during the night (have logs sent to my email and other notifications). After that I take out my dog and only then I make coffee and take it to the computer (I also work mostly from home). On the computer I follow up on important emails and check Twitter first.

bill  Ives

netmarket and Arik - thanks - you are more disciplined than me - I have to have coffee first like rtp. Bill

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