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August 23, 2009


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JT MAloney

Hi - Great summer (re)post. Thanks. Recalls the REAL divey-dives on the Cape and New England turnpikes that would unscrupulously offer some substance, using crafty signage, called 'Fried Calms' (sic) - strips of greasy fried calamari ('calms'). At the same joint, the fried 'scallops' were really punched skate wing, and so forth and so on. Not sure it is still practiced. It was funny for us to sip beer w/locals and watch the tourists and foreigners joyfully scarf up junk fried seafood w/o the slightest apprehension, often saying, 'Mmmmm.' -j

bill  Ives

John- I knew about the skate wing or shark fin scallops. Now fried calamari has achieved almost same status as fried clams. I had some today - but very light tempura style in Stonington CT. However, Whole belly fried claims are still a few dollars more than calamari around here. Nice to hear from you. Bill

JT MAloney

Hi - Yeah, I agree. Thanks. Recalls the old joke -- Q: What's the difference between calamari and squid? A: About five dollars a pound! (Squid is always available at the bait shop. Calamari at the fish market. Identical products from identical sources!) Anyway, IMO, Fried Cape Clams are an important 'slow food' delicacy -- they depend heavily on proximity, e.g., they don’t travel well. Here in NorCal some of our ‘slow’ (local) seafood is calamari and sardines from Monterey Bay, Dungeness crab and wild salmon from the Pacific shelf and farmed oysters from Tomales Bay. In particular, with the heavy Italian and Asian populations here in SF, calamari is a favorite. BTW, once I did overnight a large case of Dungeness Crab to Nantucket as wedding present. It earned me free ACK accommodations for life. Cheers, John

David Churbuck

Best clams on the Cape are on the Vineyard -- Menemsha -- The Bite

bill  Ives

Thanks, Dave. I will have to go there. Bill

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