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July 21, 2009


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Amit Desai

Nice article and thanks for sharing your thoughts. I firmly believe that every organization big or small should have a social media policy. Recently I completed an analysis on usage of social media and its impact on productivity and have published my findings here

Hope you guys find it useful and also do let me know your views on the same

bill  Ives


Thanks for the link. I will take a look. Bill

Chris Boudreaux

For anyone developing or researching social media policies, this database contains links to more than 70, and you can filter by industry:

HI Bill,
Great article. Thanks for linking to my piece in Forbes (We met at the Fast Forward conference earlier this year b.t.w.). The more work I do in this area the more I am convinced that it is much more than a set of hard-policies, but a chance to set the tone for the entire organization - an entry point for many different groups (mktg, legal, HR etc.) to come together and understand how social technologies might present opportunities and risks.

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