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« Builds Out Its Social Side | Main | Who Does Twitter Reach? How Can You Reach Them? »

June 03, 2009


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Theron Kelso

After Conducting my own 21-day experiment, my results say:

Twitter search is better for: Current events, popular culture, and direct access to people for the purpose of continuing conversations.

Google is better for: current research findings (formal) in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (with the possible exception of computer technology), how-to documents, and historical documents which I purposely left unexplored.

More at:

bill  Ives

Theron Thanks. I tweeetd this. Bill


so, do you have to sign in to twitter to use the url with your name link or what? it says you can find people using the link but results say no page for that user when clicking off the link posted on a webpage, any ideas why many thanks!

go there first?

then put in user name??

how do you post this on a webpage.... is abit confusing

bill  Ives


You do have to sign into twitter to have your actions recorded in your account. It is confusing. Since I use two accounts, I sometimes make mistakes. Twitter interface is not intuitive. Bill

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