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June 26, 2009


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Greg Matthews

Bill, thanks for this post. It was great to meet you face-to-face at the Enterprise 2.0 conference this week. I have to say that I really enjoyed being on the panel with Morgan and Ben; it's great to hear what other brands are doing, what issues they're facing, and how they're dealing with those obstacles.

I think that the biggest issue we face as advocates of "social business" is that the groundswell that hallmarks all social movements is in direct conflict with typical top-down corporate control structures. That tension can be tough, but I believe that eventually the tension is going to lead to some breakthroughs that we haven't even imagined yet.

And thanks, too, for the mentions on Humana's innovation center and our web "hub;" you and your readers can find us at

bill  Ives


It was also great to meet you. I want to learn more about what you are doing at Humana. Thanks for the link to your site. It actually had an extra period so here it the one for everyone to access it as it should be seen. Bill


Hi Bill. Thanks for writing this, I'm glad you enjoyed it. I was way out of my league with Morgan and Greg on the panel, so I'm glad that some of their awesomeness could rub off on me.

I'm glad you picked up on the theme of Social Media being "Cures Chasing Diseases" is certainly not unique to Social Media. It's been a part of business for years (Segway, anyone?).

Lots of times we get really excited about things without thinking what problem they solve. I really think it's because figuring out the problems and doing the detailed research is the hard work.

The technology is the fun stuff, so we focus on that which is why there are so many mistakes.

Keep writing
Ben Foster

bill  Ives


Thanks for adding to the conversation. I would be pleased to learn ore about what you are doing at Allstate. You certainly held your own on the panel. Everyone is doing good things. Bill

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