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April 08, 2009


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There are a number of well known and well executed applications of semantic business things out there. Just for reference a company I was deeply involved with was developing semantic business applications back in the mid-late nineties, even pitching a business plan for a semantic search engine to rival Yahoo in 1998.

Just from that work alone I know of a large national (UK) supermarket that uses semantics to drive their online store, a government department that does something I can't tell you about and a police force using semantics for criminology studies.

There are a number of pure web offerings as well, from the FreeBase's of the world to things like the US Gov announcing just the other day it will be using semantic tech developed in Ireland to help with the drive behind the $800bn economic stimulus package (

In other words there is plenty out there BUT like much of the semantic work it is a behind-the-scenes technology, used to enable stuff.

Bill  Ives

Barry - Thanks for the comment. I confirms my impression. I have been involved with one behind the scenes tool - iQuest which does similar things,. Bill

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