Many of you may have read recently about the threat of possible closure faced by the Boston Globe. A number of Boston-based bloggers who care about the continued existence of the Globe have banded together in conducting a blog rally. We are simultaneously posting this paragraph to solicit your ideas of steps the Globe could take to improve its financial picture.
We view the Globe as an important community resource, and we think that lots of people in the region agree and might have creative ideas that might help in this situation. So, here's your chance. Please don't write with nasty comments and sarcasm: Use this forum for thoughtful and interesting steps you would recommend to the management that would improve readership, enhance the Globe's community presence, and make money. Who knows, someone here might come up with an idea that will work, or at least help. Thank you.
I am a long subscriber to the Globe and rely on it despite all the online news outlets I also use. I have saved my front page Globe stories of great Boston sports events and consider the Globe as the official report on such efforts. The same goes for other big news items. Thanks to Paul Levy, who organized this blog rally to gather support and ideas on how to save the Globe. Thanks also to Jessica Lipnack who told me about this effort.
Post Script
Boston Globe article on the rally.
There is a similar effort to save the Star Tribune (Minneapolis paper). Apparently the effort for the STRIB only wants 100% friendly comments. I left a comment which was 100% professional but challenged some of the business propositions, and it was deleted. Apparently in the case of the Minnesota paper open dialogue only means wanting people who love the paper to comment. Oh well ... good luck with the Globe. I read it during my college days at Dartmouth. Here is the url for the Minnesota effort ...
Posted by: rhoeg | April 07, 2009 at 06:31 AM
Farmer Bob, a voice crying from a nearby rural area with modern conveniences, has posted his thoughts on Saving the Boston Globe in his latest blog entry at
Posted by: Robert E Kelly | April 07, 2009 at 08:49 PM