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January 27, 2009


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Nathan Gilliatt


I started tracking this market in 2006 and have found about 175 companies worldwide so far. With so many companies, of course, they don't approach the market in exactly the same way, but most answer the basic question, "what are people saying about us?"

I publish a buyer's guide, The Guide to Social Media Analysis, which profiles 63 companies who went through my RFI and briefing process. The companies are listed here:

Most of the attention in this space goes to free services and the most expensive services, but commercial services start as low as $5/month. Some vendors also offer free versions or free trials, which give a helpful introduction to some of the options:

For the extremely budget-conscious, MonitorThis is a convenient tool for setting up multiple search feeds for your name or company name:

Amber Naslund


Thanks so much for the recommendation of Radian6, and for linking to the extensive review you did. We're grateful for your support, and through feedback like this and input from our community, we're excited to take the capabilities even further this year.

Amber Naslund
Director of Community | Radian6

Blake Cahill


Thank you for the mention of Visible Technologies in your post. If your readers are interested Forrester Research just published an updated analysis of vendors in the space. We are providing access to the report for free at the following link:

Blake Cahill
SVP of Marketing
Visible Technologies

Ari Newman

Bill, I know you are familiar with Filtrbox also. Our service now monitors millions of blogs, thousands of mainstream sources, and Twitter for mentions. We offer free basic accounts as well as monthly subscriptions. We'll be releasing an update soon as well!

Ari Newman
Founder and President
Filtrbox, Inc.

Bill Ives


Thanks for mentioning Filtrbox. As you know I wrote about it here in the the post, Create Web Monitoring Filters with Filtrbox I really like your offering. Bill

Bill Ives

Nathan - Thanks for the link to your guide and the suggestions. they are appreciated. I am going to look at it and Monitor This. Bill

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