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December 12, 2008


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storyteller's other blog

Interesting post
Today's Friday so I write
mainly in Haiku

Hugs and blessings,

Mark Gould

The "short and deep" thing irritates me a little. I think people need to find their own blog style. If they find that they are comfortable with "short and deep" that is great. If they aren't comfortable, their potential audience will see that and may be put off by it. My prescription would be to find a consistent style, and the audience will follow (and it may not be the people you expected).

bill  Ives

Mark - Thanks for the comment and I agree with your point. Blogging is suppose to be about the personal voice so people should only do what they are comfortable with. My comments were only meant to be suggestions and not rules. I like the freedom that blogging brings, especially for someone who writes for an enterprise of one. I only do what I want even if it means not following the "rules." You can tell that by the eclectic nature of what i write about. Bill

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