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« Top 100 Analyst Blogs from Technobabble | Main | Forty Highly Rated Web 2.0 and Enterprise 2.0 Bloggers (Part 2) »

July 30, 2008


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Niall Cook

Interesting list, Bill. I'd be interested to see the breakdown between web 2.0 and enterprise 2.0 and more on your methodology/search terms.

Bill Ives

Neill- Thanks for your comment. The methods to determine the order were simple. I used the number of blog reactions reported by technorati. I also included the technorati rating and the number of inbound links reported by Google as a cross-check. Google almost always reports higher numbers for several reasons. These are the top twenty of a much larger list. I found these bloggers through a combination of methods. Many are well known. Other I found through Google and Technorati searching on the terms web 2.0 and enterprise 2.0. Since many, like myself, cover both topics I did not attempt to divide them into those two groups. The numbers are always changing as the web is dynamic. If you know of bloggers on these topics that rate higher than these top 20 I welcome your input. I plan to post the next twenty tomorrow. Bill

Niall Cook

Thanks for the response, Bill. Now I understand your methodology although not sure I agree with the approach. They are not so much web 2.0 or enterprise 2.0 bloggers, but bloggers who happen to have mentioned those terms at some point on their blogs.

The breakdown would still be good I think. Lots of those same bloggers are harping on about how enterprise 2.0 isn't the same as web 2.0 - as I do - so it is probably worth the split.

Bill Ives


I certainly agree that web 2.0 and enterprise 2.0 are not the same thing and have written about it several times here and elsewhere. Some of the bloggers write about both topics as I do. Some only cover web 2.0 and a few only enterprise 2.0. I could attempt to divide them into three buckets, one topic or the other or both. Perhaps I will if I get a chance. I just find that some of what they write about is relevant to both topics, even though they are different topics. I am simply listing people here by the numbers and not by my favorites, although I respect all of them. Not all of them are on my blog roll for example. I created this list for another purpose and decided to share it as I though some people might find it interesting. I made some new discoveries in the process. Thanks for your interest. Bill

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