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December 10, 2007


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Des Walsh

Great lists - a reference post for sure.

On the internal one, this works for quite small businesses/teams, as well as big enterprises. Even in small businesses/work groups you get the "nobody ever tells me what's going on around here" syndrome. A busy (is there any other kind?) business owner, CEO, exec, can use a blog to keep her or his team more in the loop, get early warnings, log in from the field, share good news/new deals etc, get feedback and deal with issues on the go, not just at a weekly/monthly/annual gripe session (or worse, as part of an exit interview). And now with services like Utterz you can do that from your cellphone wherever you are.

bill Ives

Des - Thanks for your suggestions. They are good expansions. Bill


A very useful article..Thank you.


Thank you for this information. It was very helpful

Account Deleted

You are right. Thanks for this valuable information. For communication and project management, have a look to This site has several reviews about project management directory.

Account Deleted

I can call myself a veteran in trying out new PM tools and though I found some that compete against the likes of MS project and basecamp, this one really took me by surprise. Just check it out -- …and with animated graphics it is loads of fun too

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