Jakob Nielsen does not like blogs and this has upset some bloggers. But then he has also upset a lot of web designers as he focused on usability over graphic design. This does not bother Jakob as he was recently quoted in the Guardian article, The web design guru that web designers love to hate, "There is something good about upsetting people, because it's making an impact," he says. But, he adds: "It's not good if you only annoy people," and you have to offer something of value.’ Thanks to the IF Team for pointing this article out.
I have written about him before and he does add value even if you do not agree with his extreme statements. In a prior post, Weblog Usability: The Top Ten Design Mistakes, I linked to some useful design tips he offered even as he was trashing blogs. More recently, he provided his take on Best Intranets for 2006.
I have always thought his own site, Uselt.com, was a bit primitive and it seems even he agrees. He also points to the large volume of visitors his site still attracts. Jakob evaluates other web sites using principles described by Don Norman, his partner in the Nielsen Norman Group. I have had long had great respect for Don Norman as a design expert so he has good company here.
The Guardian article goes on: "Who are the users and what are they trying to do?" Nielsen says. "So what is a good interface for computer engineers is not a good interface for the average person. A lot of computer guys don't recognise that, and it creates problems." Nielsen's approach is to test usability using one or preferably more real users. Unlike the site's designers and other company employees, real users don't know what they're supposed to do, and often won't take the time to find out.”
This makes great sense. Since I am generally not one of the computer guys, I am often frustrated by the web design and, before that, the computer interface design of many applications. Instructions that say “just add the html code to your blog” do not reach the average blogger and require a visit to the help desk, if one exists. Take a look at Jakob’s recommendations for blogggers. There is good stuff there despit his slams at bloggers. I especially like the first seven, including:
1. No Author Biographies
2. No Author Photo
3. Nondescript Posting Titles
4. Links Don't Say Where They Go
…and so on. web 2.0 business blogs
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