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« eProject – Enterprise 2.0 Collaborative Business Applications | Main | Using the Web 2.0 Award Winners – »

September 05, 2007


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Fred Mayor

thanks for the great post! It's always interesting to read or hear new Enterprise 2.0 success stories. I've become extremely interested in the Enterprise 2.0 impact on businesses since I started to use Wrike in my company, which is a marketing and advertising agency. You’ll find it here . The app helped us organize our email communications within the company and with our clients. I feel that it saves us time and money on unnecessary phone calls. My staff loves Wrike for its simplicity. You must know that it’s always hard to make people use new tools; to my surprise with Wrike it was different.
One more thing I like about the tool is that we give our clients insight into our project work without making them log on to any site. You read everywhere that Enterprise 2.0 is all about collaboration, now we collaborate with our clients more effectively.
I’ll follow your blog and will be waiting for more examples of successful Enterprise 2.0 practices.

Bill Ives

Fred - Thanks for bringing this tool to my attention. It sounds useful. CircleUp does some of these functions also (see write up on this blog. Bill

Scott Annan

Bill - I love these case studies where you can see the real value of Enterprise2.0 and collaboration.

We have a handful of stories on how people are using our app ( and its when you see the results that make you a believer that these new tools can make a significant impact on how people work.


Hi Bill

Excellent discussion of what it takes to implement an enterprise system successfully. Though the post is several years old at this point, the subject matter remains prescient in today's online world. Designing a useful application is difficult enough, but it becomes a different beast entirely to train and convince staff to use the tool to its fullest potential. I think advances in technology have increased software's ability to be dynamic and adaptive to user's needs. Your point about transparency is a great one. The more staff understands how a tool works, the more likely they are to get the most out of what they are paying for.

Look forward to reading through the rest of your blog.

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