I was recently asked to join a group blog on enterprise 2.0 issues in advance of the FAST Forward 07 conference on innovation to be held in San Diego, Feb, 7-9. The conference has a bunch of tracks moderated by John Battelle, author of The Search, that focus on Web 2.0 and business. Keynotes include: “Ray Lane, Partner, Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers; former COO of Oracle. Other keynotes include Tim O'Reilly, Founder and CEO, O'Reilly Media, and Web 2.0 luminary; John M. Lervik, Founder and CEO, FAST, Matt Brown, Senior Analyst, Forrester Research, and several others.” It looks good.
The session is sponsored by the enterprise search engine, Fast, a firm based in Norway. Their site has a number of useful sounding on demand webinars on search related issues with various customer and analyst speakers, as well as live ones such as Finding the “Search” in Web 2.0.
The FAST Forward group blog is organized by Corante. Its focus is on “Enterprise 2.0 and how today's companies and individuals are harnessing technology to collaborate, innovate, manage knowledge.” The other bloggers so far include some on my favorite bloggers:
Rod Boothby
Jerry Bowles
George Dearing
Jim McGee
Joe McKendrick
Euan Semple
and I heard that Kathleen Gilroy is will be providing podcasts.
Everyone has put up at least one post, some more. The discussion is a good one so far but should only get better. Comments have started. We will go at least until the conference and I will be pointing to ones I especially liked such as Jim McGee on Implementing social technologies inside organizations and Euan Semple on Words, Words, Words. I will not repeat my own posts in this blog but I may refer to a few. Here was my first attempt, Will Enterprise Web 2.0 totally transform enterprise knowledge management? Now that I go the introduction out of the way, I will try to be more substantive next time. business blogs
enterprise social media