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December 11, 2005


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1. I'm one of the poorer Chekov audients. Malgosia Askanas invited me to a performance in Charlestown years ago and I didn't understand it at all. One of my co-workers at the Littauer Library, Aaron Kim, took me to see a student production of the Seagull. I didn't understand it very much. I read some reviews which helped a little.

Three Sisters is a "grown up" production by it also has a grown-up price tag. Minimun prediscount is $37 - with my Harvard staff card it's $18.50. So I could to it. However, at $15,000/year I am much lower on my utility curve than you are. I don't believe Marty Feldstein that an interpersonal comparison cannot exist, I agree that neither he nor I can construct one. How do I decide from your data, if it would be a good investment to go?

2. I appreciate the blinging array of KM links on an earlier post. But where is the KM for newbies?

Bill Ives

One of the best introductions to KM remains Tom Davenport's Working Knowledge - in paperback amd likely used through Amazon or other places.

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