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June 21, 2005


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Jozef Imrich

Hi Bill

Exploring the Culture of Connectivity and Immediacy

The web seems poised to blossom with stand-alone news sites Dotcom Bloom
The Culture of Connectivity and Immediacy
How "search" is redefining the Web — and our lives
Major social culture changes are occurring as the impact of ubiquitous computing and connectivity become so everyday, so normal, as to be perceived as commonplace, standard, old hat
History Repeats Itself (just a little faster each time)


we talk about the stuff we cook, or the things we ate." Pim began her blog because she was tired of writing 30 identical e-mails to update everyone on what she was doing. The article continues, “Techamuanvivit found that the more she wrote on food, the more readers tickets were seduced by her descriptions of pig fests in London and sublime couscous in the Tenderloin district of San Francisco. She now gets between 3,000 and 4,000 hits a day.

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