The Texas KM Cluster will meet on July 15, 2005 in Irving (Dallas) Texas, from 8AM-5PM at the offices of Deloitte Consulting. The theme is Enterprise Social Media, Software and Tools. There will be a particular focus on methods and successful enterprise approaches for blogs, RSS and Wikis. I will be leading the morning discussion based on research from our book, Business Blogs: A Practical Guide. In the afternoon, Scott Allen, from the Virtual Handshake, will lead a conversation on the expanding innovation, use and demand for social network tools in the enterprise and beyond. Adriaan Jooste of Deloitte will also discuss new frontiers in talent management.
I hope to see you there. It is nice to be back from Europe and engaging in conversations about blogs again. I am also leading a discussion tonight on food blogs at the Berkman Thursday blog group here in Cambridge.