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March 07, 2005


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James Robertson

There are obviously plenty of KM consulting firms, although I would think they are probably smaller businesses now. (In Australia at least, the big consulting firms burnt their bridges in KM a few years back, and then shut down their externally-facing KM teams.)

From what I've seen, the big factor is that in the US, KM = technology. At least in the minds of most people (if not those actually in the KM community). I recently chatted to a well-known personality in an affiliated space, and he was genuinely unaware that there was anything to KM beyond advanced search tools and the like...

Bill Ives


Thanks for your comment and I certainly agree completely in all of what you said. KM is still defined too much as a technology. If you do a Google Defines on knowledge management, most, if not all of the definitions are simply technology. KM is also better done by small consulting firms becuase of the need for more senior people with deep expertise (especially in the non-technical aspects) than armies of junior people.

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