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« The Original Newport Jazz Festival: 1968 and Before | Main | KM Stories: Part Three – Reducing the Learning Curve »

August 29, 2004


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yvette robbins

Could you please name the person(s) who sang the song FREEDOM? I heard the music in a movie "A Walk on the Moon" (I think) and have been unable to find out whose rendition it was, therefore, I've been unable to buy it..

Please respond
[email protected]

Franklin Chrisco

Good Morning,
My first date with my wife was to the Boston Globe Jazz Festival Jan of 1970.
Could you direct me to a person or site that could help me remember the
list of performers of the evening. I would also like to know if there
is any recording available for that evening.

Thank You Kindly,
Franklin J Chrisco
171 Green Meadow
Brattleboro, Vermont 05301
802 254 5806
[email protected]

Bill Ives

I would try Google for this. Put in search terms like. "Boston Globe Jazz Festival." I would also contact the Boston Globe itself. You might try history of jazz and other such terms. If you know of a performers, you might try them artist to see if they have a history of performances. I did not attend this event but went to many similar ones at the time. Did you go to the rock concerts at the Camrbridge common? Good luck.

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