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« Storytelling and Knowledge Management: Part 5 - Enhancing Learning | Main | Adventures in Home Working – Steve Richards »

August 11, 2004


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Thanks for your series; I was familiar with some of the from Senge. One question though. Do you think that storytelling has the same impact when it becomes institutionalized? I always thought it was the unfiltered, irreverant (humorous) aspect of stories that was most compelling. - David

Bill Ives


Thanks for your comment and a good question. If the institution simply provides a forum, storage, and access then the range of impact for the stories greatly expands. NASA seems to have done this. IBM appears to be taking a similar uncensored approach with its experiments with blogs. Naturally, this official sponorship will filter out some of the counter-culture aspects of the stories but then these stories would stay "underground anyway." If the stories just become a propaganda vehicle for the organization they will lose their credibility. I guess, in the end, it is the openness of the organization for chnage that determines if institutionalized stories retain impact.

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