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May 19, 2004


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john bates

Just wondered if i could have a few more details around the implementation. What was the KM system you installed? do you have any screenshots? How did the wizard work?. Your parable sounds intriguing and a great template for people to try for speed e-learning

Bill Ives

John - Thanks for your comment. The exact details on the implementation are unfortunately confidential to this organziation. However, I can share a bit more. This was 1998 technology and the value of the KM system was more in the content and procedures than the tools. The tools were primarliy robo help and other such simple tools. The wizards worked by having a few required fields that guided the user and on-line help that provided both the types of information required for the suggestion to be useful, the required format, and examples of appropriate entries such as a sample documented procedure. The use of the wizard was also covered and then required to be used in the two week simulation exercises. One key to success was the creation of a new role to review and evaluate all submitted suggestions and a steering committee to further evaluate their benefit to the organization. All those who took the time to submit suggestions were also given feedback on their suggestions and the on-going status of the implementation of these suggestions.

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