On Dec. 7, 1647 “Mrs. Turner delivered into court an inventory of the estate left by her deceased husband, Mr. Nathaniel Turner, which was read and delivered to the secretary to be recorded.” (NH Ct. Rds.) The estate totaled 457 pds, including 154 pds. in real estate. The inventory was made by Francis Newman, Richard Miles, Thomas Hall, and William Andrews on Oct. 3, 1647 (NEGHSR, 1929, p.133). She re-married Samuel Goodanhousen who was called in Sept. 4, 1649 to security for the portions of his wife’s children.
He said he paid Mr. Yale (Mary’s husband) 35 pds. which he accepted in full satisfaction for his wife’s portion, and that he offered Thomas Meeks 19 acres of land “for the portion of Rebecca Turner, now his wife.” NH Ct. Rds. On Jan. 13 1661/62 a special court was held to resolve the portions of the children of Nathaniel Turner. This was probably just after the death of Mrs. Turner. Since Nathaniel (Jr.) was deceased without children, the portions were divided between the others. Mr. Yale, Mr. Hudson and Hannah Turner resigned there portions to Issac Turner but Thomas Meekes declared that he expected to receive his due.
Nathaniel and his wife, Margaret Leachland(?), had six children:
1. Mary, born about 1626, died 1704, married Thomas Yale in 1645. They had eight children, all born in New Haven: John (1646-1711), Thomas (1648-1736), Mary (1650-1710), Nathaniel (1652-1730), Martha (1655-1670), Abigail (1660-1708), Hannah (1662-1744), Elizabeth (1650-1710).
2. Rebecca, born about 1629, died June 14, 1731, married Thomas Mix (1624-1691) on Sept. 4, 1649. Thomas is buried in the New Haven green. They had eleven children, all born in New Haven.: John (1649-1711), Nathaniel (1651-1725), Daniel (1653-1720), Thomas (1655-1691), Rebecca (1657-1734), Abigail (1660-), Caleb (1661-1708), Samuel (1663-1730), Hannah (1666-), Esther (1668-1670), Stephen (1672-1738).
3. Abigail, born about 1631, died 1693, married John Hudson (or Hodson) (1616-1690) on Sept. 2, 1651*. They had nine children, all born in New Haven: Abigail (1654-), Sarah (1657-), Mary (1660-died soon), John (1663), Samuel (1664-1673), John (1667-1711), Mary (1670-1671), Anna (1671-1672), Nathaniel (-1701).
4. Nathaniel, born about 1633, died 1662 without children.
5. Hannah, born Nov. 17, 1639 in New Haven, married Samuel Hopkins Dec. 5, 1667*. They had at least two children, both born in New Haven; Wait Samuel (1668-), Hannah (1670-).
6. Issac, born June 7, 1640, died Mar. 27, 1699 in New Haven, married Mary Todd (1647-1676) on Aug. 19, 1668*. He is listed as a Proprietor of New Haven, CT, in the Year 1685 (NEGHSR, vol. 1, pp. 157–8). They had at least four children, all born in New Haven: Nathaniel (twin) (1669-1750), Issac (twin) (1669-1749), Joseph (1672-1759), Mary (1674-1683).
I will now briefly provided the early history of Lynn, Massachusetts where Nathaniel first lived in New England.