Thomas Atwater was born about 1500 in Royton, Lenham, Kent, England. He married Johanna before 1521. He died on Dec. 1, 1547. His will was proved December 1, 1547; Archdeaconry Court, book 25, page 3. An unknown number of children were born, but included: Thomas, Christopher, Edward, William, and Alice. Thomas's will mentions his wife Johanna, sons Thomas, Christopher, Edward, and William, and a daughter Alice. It also mentions properties: "one messuage called Ward's and one gardeyn"; "another messuage and one gardeyn sitt., lying and being at Grant's Gate; "my house, the whic I now dwell in, and gardeyn"; and 22 pieces of land, of which are named Edythe, Westbroke, Churchfilde, Darbolls, Broke, Undercroft, Hyfield, Symerfield, Agellcroft, Pyxes, Dervold and "other two pieces" (Parkfields) in Royton, Bromfeld, Bromecroft, and Randalls in Boughton Malherbe.
Robert Atwater was born in Royton, Lenham, Kent, England. His will was proved December 22, 1522; Archdeaconry Court, book 15, page 6. An unknown number of children were born, but included: John and Thomas. This Robert Atwater is designated "the elder". His will mentions sons John and Thomas, brother John and his children, sisters Florence and Thomasyn, and Alice wife of son John. It also mentions properties Langderfield, Parkfields, Little Scotland, and land lying in Lenham called Grant's Gate.
John Atwater was born in Royton, Lenham, Kent, England. His will was proved July 14, 1501; Archdeaconry Court, book 8, page 25. He married Maryan, also born in England. An unknown number of children were born, but included:
1. Robert was born in England, had two sons: John and Thomas. (see above)
2. John, his will was dated August 20, 1537.
3. Florence, her husband was Walter Spyce.
4. Thomasyn, her husband was John Turner.
Thomas Atwater was born in Roynton, Lenhan, Kent, England died there in 1484. He married Eliner who died in Roynton in 1497. She was buried in the churchyard of Lenham. The following appear in Thomas's will but no relationship is given.
1. Robert was born in Roynton.
2. John was born in Roynton. (see above)
Thomas Atwater is most probably the father of Robert and John given above. His will was proved October 5, 1484, and is on file in Canterbury, Kent. This is the earliest will recorded in Canterbury of an Atwater of Royton. His will mentions his wife, Eliner, Robert Atwater, Jr., and John Atwater. While the relationship to Robert and John was not specified in the will, it seems certain if they were other than sons, the relationship certainly would have been given. The will also mentions the properties Bromecroft and Chotecroft in Boughton Malherbe, Langderfield and other properties in Lenham.
The will of Eliner was proved May 16, 1497. Again, it mentions Robert Atwater and John Atwater without specifying their relationship to her. It also mentions properties Bromecroft, Derplon and other properties in Lenham.