I recently received a a link to a document entitled, “Known Ives Lineages In The U.S. & Canada.” It can be downloaded from his web site at: http://ivescentral.com/genealogy/ This compilation covers the 18 separate Ives descent lines that are known to me in the U.S. & Canada, which have identified male progenitor individuals (Charles through William), as well as 2 additional, substantial, Ives descent lines (Jeremiah's and John's) for which the actual male progenitor still remains “at large.” It also contains DNA information for 5 of these known Ives lineages (with many thanks to John Wilder – coordinator of the Ives DNA Project – and to the DNA participants!).
Many thanks to David for all the hard work putting this document together and for sharing it with us. It is 153 pages in length.