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« Request for Contact with Direct Descendants of William Ives | Main | Updated Ives Family History Blog Summary »

January 08, 2011


Theresa Casteel

Our family ancestral land was located on what is now Andrews Air Force Base - not really available for pictures :-)

Sheila McCreven

Hi, Bill. I stumbled upon your blog today while doing some research on a mutual ancestor of ours. Now I see that we have several. But then I had to laugh out loud to see this photo! Strangely enough, I have been following you on Twitter (can't remember how we connected, but it was probably over genealogy and/or technology) since 2008 -- when I worked in this exact medical building!

bill  Ives

Theresa and Sheila - thanks for your comments. The Twitter connection is likely over technology. Did you know about william Ives when you worked at the building.


No, didn't know at the time about William Ives. I've not (yet) found a direct connection to him. But we'll have to see about that!

Richard - Estate Agent in Blackpool

It just shows what a small world we live in hehe


I have a geneology book that traces William Ives descendants out at least 12 generations. I just borrowed it from my mother last weekend. It was put together in the 1980's. I am in it, or the family wouldn't have it, of course. If there is anything particular branch you want to know something about, I could try to look it up for you.


The book is called the Migrating Ives. It has lots of personal data, some pictures, wills, and letters. It is really interesting.

Bill Ives


Your help would be welcome. All the liens I am interested in are currently covered in the blog so if you see any additions or corrections to what I have done you input will be very appreciated.

Jeff Towers

Tammy, on the book "Migrating Ives" is there any mention of the surname Leet or Leete. From triangulations on we seem to be getting William Ives descendants. Whenever I check the Ives descendants against our suite of 20 descendants of Allen Leet 1761-1825, we see a good smattering of matches. Allen is said to descend from William Leete who immigrated just after William Ives, and was eventually Governor of CT.

Are the female lines covered in the book, or does it just mention their husbands? The females took the surnames of their husbands so they are descendants still even though they do not have the surname Ives. I don't think it was a direct marriage because that would have shown up in a search of the Descendants of William Leete for Ives. There were many marriages directly to Ives, but they were after Allen Leet or did not seem to fit. It would probably be one of the female Ives granddaughters.

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