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« Thomas Day (1639 - 1711) | Main | John Day (1698- 1751) »

May 30, 2007


Thomas Cutter

I am decended from Ebenezer Day, born September 5, 1677 of Thomas Day and Sarah Cooper Day. Ebenezer and his wife (Mercy Hitchcock)evidently had of which, in turn, had a child (my ancester) Thomas Day, born October 27, 1745; probably in West Springfield, Massachusetts. Thomas Day married Joanna Noble.

My hope is to identify the child of Ebenezer and Mercy who was father to Thomas identify Thomas Day's mother.

Can anyone help?

Marion Newey

well I have researched the Days of Springfield and have Ebenezer and Mercy with their 11 children born from 1701-1725. There were only four sons...Caleb b 15 sep 1723 in springfield married Mary Jones after 1744; Timothy b 5 sep 1720 married Sarah Munn 1746; Luke b 2 jul 1706 married Jerusha Skinner ca 1734; and finally, Ebenezer b 23 oct 1701 married Mary Smith in 1724. Hope this helps.

bill  Ives

Marion Thanks for your addition. Bill

Tom Zeleny

I have Luke Day, son of Ebenezer and Mercy, b. 1706 d. 1792 m. Jerusha Skinner b. 1714 d. 1775, 7 children including Thomas Day b. 10.27.1745. m. Johanna Noble.

Mary Lewis Stewart

My tree show these names and dates: are any familiar?
Robert Day 1604
Thomas Day
John Day Sept 20, 1673
Benjamin Day Oct 29, 1710, died May 10 1808, age 97
Daniel Day born July 8, 1749, died Aug 9, 1826?, age 74
Eraslina? Day born 1774 died 1861, married 1st wife Mahala Clark, one son Harmon?,2nd wife Olive Dewey, their children Erastins? Dewey, Thaddeus Dewey-Daniel Vanhorn-Andrew Jackson-George Washington-Alfred Dewey Vanhorn
Daniel VanHorn Day
Martha Jane Ayers Day
Henry Day Ayres

Bill Ives

The first three are my ancestors and then our lines diverge. Thanks for sharing.


my name is Michelle miller [madden 'day' ] born in ark my father was warren lee day,,,from ark his father ways Lloyd day...he played the fiddle around ark.....
there was a sheriff in Tennessee that was a relative... my families from Ireland I was told...does anyone know my family..


ps. it was speed o'dea thanks michelle day miller

Bill Ives

Michelle - Thanks for your comment. All that I know is in the blog but readers might know more.

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