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« Day Family History in Massachusetts | Main | Genealogy and Web 2.0 »

May 22, 2007


Diana in Wash

This is one of the combinations of two different Day families. Joel Day born 1751, was a descendant of the Robert Day line of Hartford. Joel's wife Lucretia Day, born 1760 was a descendant of the Anthony Day line.

Diana in Wash

bill Ives

Diana - Thanks - Yes this is the convergence of two Day lines. I will cover both of them in the coming days. It took me a while to sort it out. However, my research found that both of my lines go back to Robert Day. Neither goes to Anthony Day of Glouster MA. although I though that at first. It goes Robert to Thomas to John who had both John and Joseph. John led to Joel and Joseph led to Eunice who married each other. Their son Joel married Lucretia who may have come from Anthiony Day but the wife of this Joel was Eunice. Their daughter Eunice married Abraham Ives so Lucreita is not in my line. It is confusing with so many with the same names. Details to follow in coming posts. Where ever there is an asterik that means that the dates are in the vaild records of the associated town. Bill

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